Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Clean Mind...

My hapkido instructor is back from Chicago where she's been training at the main school.

Whenever she returns she always has a few weeks where she gets everyone in the class to reassess many of their basic skills and fighting techniques and ki class was no exception. Here she reiterated an old message about using meditation to help cleanse our minds of impurities, such as anger or lust, in order for us to think with more clarity and not have our thoughts or vision blighted by external or internal factors that can cloud our judgement.

In a nutshell our mind controls our body and and our emotions and it tells it how to act rather than our body or our emotions telling our mind how we see the world. Simple but beautifully true.

As she said this I examined my own mind which is currently crammed with research for my new play so consequently it's full of Victorian prostitutes, venereal disease, child rape victims and odd sexual practices and, bizarrely, I was quite pleased to find it's remarkably clear and focused.

Clever stuff this meditation...

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