Friday, April 14, 2017

Foot Drop: Part IV...

At last. Some good news. I have seen a neorologist and he thinks the nerve damage is unlikely to be the early signs of MS. This is a major win. It was always an unlikely scenario, but having that particular fear rattling through my head for 10 weeks has not been a pleasant experience.

After much extensive prodding and poking and examining, he is pretty sure it's nerve damage to the fibular nerve. He is also quite optimistic that he can eventually repair it, though he has warned me that it may be a six-month process.

Neither of us still have any idea how it has happened. Generally, if i pick up an injury, it tends to be martials arts related. But I usually know pretty immediately if I have done something because the pain is instant. I am also good at monitoring my body for signs of wear and tear and knowing when to rest or protect something.

So I am now facing more tests and scans and examinations and other bits and bobs. I will also have some form of orthapaedic support for my foot. But there is forward momentum and, at some point, I will be fully mobile again.

In the meantime, I'll train what I can when I feel good enough to do it and not beat myself up if I can't train at the regularity and with the intensity I want to.

My martial arts journey is not over yet and I feared it may have been. It's just going to be taking a few quite side roads for a while...

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