Monday, May 15, 2006

The Changeling

Went to the Barbican at the weekend with the missus to see the Cheek By Jowl production of The Changeling by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley.

It’s a Jacobean tragedy about a desperate heiress who uses a disfigured servant to ‘dispose’ of her unwanted bridegroom – but the servant decides he wants her rather than any form of cash payment after he’s committed the murder.

It’s pretty grim and gory stuff but the production switched between dark tragedy and black comedy really effectively and, as there was little in the way of set or props, the stripped-down style helped emphasise the brooding language. Will Keen was also fabulous as the Machiavellian manservant De Flores, a character who was both scary and sympathetic.

It’s one of my favourite plays from that period and it was the first time I’d seen it performed and it was a really strong production. Well worth a look…

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