Friday, May 05, 2006

If The Cap Fits…

The boy is now convinced I am a major-league nutcase.

He walked into the kitchen this week to find me labeling several huge sweet tins that have hung around the house since we glutted ourselves on confectionery at Xmas. He gave a puzzled look to the missus who responded with her ‘I know, I know…’ smile, inspected the already labeled tins then approached me with a question.

‘What are haribot beans?’
‘Haricot beans. It says haricot beans.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘And I have no idea what they are but we’ve had them in the larder for months so I’m putting them away somewhere safe.’
‘In a tin?’
‘Why? Will they explode otherwise?’
‘No. But we’ve had these tins in the kitchen for months and so by using them to store all the loose stuff in the larder we are recycling the tins and also tidying up the loose rubbish in the larder.’
‘You’re a bit OCD.’
‘I’m making the kitchen more efficient.’
‘What’s pain flour?’
‘Plain flour. It says plain flour.’
‘Are you going to put it next to the haribot beans?’
‘Get out!’

He exited the kitchen sniggering…

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