Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Utterly Lost...

Come on. Admit it… Lost is a pile of old cock. It’s Fantasy Island as run by the Marquis de Sade with pretensions towards a morality tale thrown in for good measure.

It’s also bloody annoying as rather than solve any of its puzzles it merely adds more layers of puzzlement every episode. It’s like peeling back a layer of some mutant onion only to find another two layers have grown in its place – and this time one of the layers has fur. And spots.

The things it does have going for it are that it’s filmed somewhere pretty and that that cast are tremendous eye candy. Even the token fat bloke’s probably worth a go.

Oh and it takes itself very seriously because it has groups and objects named with initial caps in the press blurb: there’s The Others, The Tailies, The Hatch, etc, etc.

Anyway it’s back. Watch it if you like that sort of thing and there are no books in your house…

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