Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Table Mountain…

My pool room is finally no more. The pool table departed Tuesday morning in the company of two friends who bought it from me and promised to give it a good home.

Getting it from the large bedroom, across the landing, down the stairs and out of the house was no mean feat and my back and arms and the backs and arms of three chums all bear painful testimony to the struggles of domestic pool table extraction.

It was with mixed feelings I watched the van bearing it to its new home pull away as now I will have to go out to practice. But I wanted the house back to normal.

The missus, of course, was delighted to see the back of the sodding thing and she spent several hours dancing a merry jig around our empty-but-soon-to-be-redecorated-and-reclaimed master bedroom.

But at least the makeweight in the deal was that I could claim my office back. So my pool game may go on the slide but I should at least be writing something very good very soon.

I hope…

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