Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fight Quest III…

I've been over-training and I’ve picked up a shoulder injury.

Sadly injuries are part and parcel of any martial arts training and I just have to deal with it. But from what I can gather it’s a rotator cuff injury and the way to heal it is with rest and ice.

So instead of cycling in this morning I grabbed the Tube with the Missus and about halfway through my journey she gleefully turned to me and pointed a story out in today’s Metro. It read:

‘A 30-year-old mother of one from Manchester has secured a big-money US television deal as a cage fighter.’

Bollocks! I’ve been unable to train for one day and someone’s sort of nicked my idea already and, even worse, she’s a bloody woman and that makes it a much better story.

Still. She might get seriously injured and have to call it all off…

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