Sunday, January 04, 2009

Chart Success...

The Missus and the Boy both accuse me of being anally retentive to the point of suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In fact they quite happily refer to me as Mr OCD when they tire of caling me an idiot...

And, sadly, I'm proving them right at the moment because outside work and family stuff I've realised the only way I can fit everything I want to do in my life – namely hapkido, boxing, cycling, weights, pool and writing – is to properly organise it by having a chart and keeping to it.

Hence the introduction of the Life Chart!

Quite simply I sat down last week and have worked out what I need to do and when I need to do it and if I complete a week I'm going to reward myself a bit and if I complete a month and don't miss anything out then I'm going to properly treat myself with something big.

It probably sounds ridiculous but I've decided I need to discipline myself more in 2009 and this is the only way I can do it... by treating myself like a three-year-old child and running my own reward scheme.

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