Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Angels And Devils…

Myself, the missus and the mother of my missus went to see the Michelangelo exhibition at the British Museum at the weekend.

The exhibition is basically sketches from various stages in the artist’s career, from his early days in Florence to his work on the Sistine Chapel to his last days in Rome, with bits of biographical details thrown in to give it a linear narrative.

I thought it was fabulous and it was quite well laid out and easy to navigate too. The sketches were intriguing and it was interesting to see the doodlings of a genius. The quality of the sketches was also breath-taking, with bits of angels and devils done in miniature.

Sunday saw me attend a hapkido grading and a seminar on ground fighting afterwards. The grading was great and lots of junior belts in the academy were really excellent and were miles better than I was at that stage. To be fair many of them also have the advantage of having done other martial arts and of having youth on their side but nevertheless it was very impressive stuff.

The ground-fighting seminar afterwards was a very demanding affair with various neck chokes and arm bars and the like. I also got kicked once on the side of my head as a fellow student tried to wrap his leg around my neck to secure a choke hold then 20 minutes later got another whack on the other side as somebody else tried the same thing.

Maybe it was the Michelangelo exhibition or may be it’s because today is 6/6/6 but the two whacks on the side of my head have grown into little lumps and I think they are starting to look like Devil’s horns. Maybe I am the anti-Christ…

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