Friday, June 30, 2006


I am a former Goth. Of sorts…

I never actually went as far as to wear make-up or a long black trenchcoat, but I made a sort of ham-fisted attempt at Goth fashion and I liked the music as it appealed to my introspective, the world-doesn’t-understand-me, why-aren’t-I-getting-any-sex, tortured artist of a teenager.

So Goth-spotting is one of my favourite hobbies when I’m out and about and last night, after attending hapkido then going off to play pool with my other woman, I went to grab a nightbus home. And it was while waiting for this that I had one of my best-ever spots…

Because running down Oxford Street at 12.30am came two young men in full black suits that were four sizes too small for them and black trenchcoats, festooned in huge boots and slightly pallid made-up skin with black eyeliner. And one of them had a top hat, which he was trying to keep on his head while running to catch a bus.

I was so excited that I nearly phoned the missus to share this top-drawer Goth spot, but I didn’t fancy waking her up with a sentence that started:

‘It’s gone midnight, I’ve had a couple of pints, I’m waiting for a nightbus – and guess what I’ve just seen?’

Instead I quietly made my way home and decided to play some Sisters Of Mercy tracks. Goths. Bloody love ‘em!


Just discovered that Goths have their own dating website on

Now that is brilliant. Romance but in a miserable way!

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